Root Canal Randolph MA

The root canal procedure is one of the most common, and misunderstood, types of dental therapy. Some people mistakenly believe that this is a painful treatment. In reality, it removes the source of the pain and allows the patient to keep their natural tooth.

What is a root canal?

What many people refer to as a “root canal,” is actually a system of roots found under the chewing surfaces of teeth. If the root of a tooth becomes infected or inflamed, it could lead to irreparable damage to the tooth. 

Root canal therapy is a procedure that your dentist or endodontist uses to remove all infection and decay from within the tooth roots. They then fill the empty space to protect the area and prevent further damage. 

You may need a root canal if you have been dealing with untreated tooth decay that affects the dental pulp within your tooth. The dental pulp contains many nerves, making this is a painful situation that can be alleviated by undergoing a root canal procedure.

Root Canal Benefits

  • Saves your natural tooth
  • Avoid tooth extraction and unnecessary restorations
  • Allows you to maintain a confident smile without losing a tooth

friends smiling | root canal

How is a root canal performed?

Your dentist will administer a local anesthetic so that you do not feel any pain. Once your tooth is completely numb, they will drill down into the top of the tooth, allowing access to the root system and pulp chamber. They would use dental instruments to remove the pulp and nerve tissue. 

Next, your dentist will clean the inside of the tooth. They will prepare the root canals to be filled. Root canals are irregularly shaped, making it difficult to fill them. So your dentist will be carefully shaping and enlarging each root canal. 

After cleaning and widening all root canals, your dentist will fill them with a special thermoplastic material.

Your dentist will likely recommend that your treated tooth be fitted for a dental crown. The reason is that teeth that have undergone root canal therapy are somewhat weakened by the process. A crown provides additional strength to the treated tooth.

How much will it cost?

Each individual will have a different cost for a root canal procedure, depending upon factors like the extent of tooth damage, any needed preparations, and number of tooth roots. 

Your dental insurance plan may cover a portion of your root canal therapy cost. Financing is also available with payment options like CareCredit.

What happens after treatment?

Your dentist or endodontist will provide you with some specific instructions following your root canal procedure. Here are some general rules to follow:

  • Take all prescribed pain medication as indicated.
  • Avoid eating until the anesthetic has worn off.
  • Do not chew or bite down on your treated tooth at first.
  • Brush and floss your teeth as you normally do.

For More Information 

If you would like to request additional information about root canal therapy, or suspect that one of your teeth is severely decayed, please contact us as soon as possible.