Periodontal Maintenance

One of the main goals of your dentist is to preserve the health and appearance of your teeth and smile. One of the main threats to the health and appearance of your teeth and smile is periodontal disease, more commonly known as gum disease. Prevention is incredibly important when it comes to gum disease. Left untreated, this common condition can undermine the support structures of your teeth, causing them to loosen, and even fall out, in time.

Why is oral hygiene so important? 

In addition to helping prevent tooth decay, oral hygiene is incredibly important because it can help prevent gum disease. In fact, if you are regularly brushing and flossing at home, and keeping up with your dental cleaning appointments, you should be able to prevent gum disease entirely.

Most dental problems are completely preventable. Many patients who are forced to undergo complex and costly dental procedures wish they could go back and establish, or maintain, a proper oral hygiene routine at home. Just a few minutes of brushing and flossing per day can help prevent a host of dental problems down the road.

Periodontal Disease: Symptoms 

  • Red and tender gums
  • Gums that bleed easily
  • Persistent bad breath

Periodontal disease is surprisingly common among adults. Although seniors are more susceptible, as their overall bodies are weakening, what is most surprising is gum disease among younger adults.

periodontal maintenance | woman brushing teeth

Fortunately, the early stage of periodontal disease – gingivitis – is reversible. If you simply go back to a regular oral hygiene routine at home, you should be able to reverse gingivitis. Unchecked, gingivitis progresses into an irreversible type of periodontal disease called periodontitis. This is when your teeth are most at risk.

If you develop periodontitis, you would need frequent special periodontal cleaning appointments to halt the progression of this irreversible disease.

What other factors can affect my gum health?

One important factor that affects the gum health of many people is smoking. In addition to increased cancer risk, smoking tobacco products restricts blood flow within the gums. This is one reason why there is a higher incidence of gum disease among smokers.

Your diet also plays an important role in your gum health. You need to be eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables that contain antioxidants and phytonutrients that support your immune system and healthy gums. Vitamin C is a particularly important nutrient that helps to maintain the health of gum tissue. 

Preventing Gum Disease 

In most cases, preventing gum disease is not that difficult. You should be brushing your teeth at least twice daily, ideally after each meal or snack. You should also floss in between your teeth once per day to remove any trapped food debris.

Schedule Your Appointment

One of the best ways to prevent periodontal disease is to keep up with your periodic dental exam and cleaning visits. This allows your dental hygienist to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth before it has a chance to cause problems. If you have been neglecting these important appointments, we encourage you to contact our office today to schedule your next dental exam and cleaning appointment.